Imagery and Video say a thousand words!
Social posts with images or videos have an open rate that is 73% higher than text alone. It is important to include compelling images and your logo on all of your marketing materials. We know that coordinating your own photoshoots can be expensive and overwhelming.
Techphix coordinates photoshoots for fashion companies, restaurants, realtors, ...anyone needing quality images.
Techphix coordinates photoshoots with talented photographers, models, and make-up artists. We complete shoots for multiple clients on the same day, which reduces our clients model and photographer costs! Maximum looks for group shoot participation is 15. You're welcome to attend the photoshoot, or send us the garments, accessories, or products and we'll do the rest! Group photoshoot participation is $799 per company.
Seasonal shoots are scheduled four to five times per year or as requested by clients, you tell us when you're ready.
So many looks, so little time... We also coordinate private photoshoots of 16 looks or more.
Techphix creates videos for clients from images or edited video content. Videos can be used to for commercial ads, as social posts, or for training purposes. We can create a video version of the photos taken at our photoshoots or from photos provided by the client. Our video posts to social media are attention grabbers that drive people to your website to learn more.
Maximize the effectiveness of your photo and video content by allowing Techphix to add professional branded touch. Allow us to create the content for you, or send us what you have and we'll do the rest!